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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Unknown and Fredrick

I'm actually kind of afraid of the unknown. Ya know, the stuff those smart scientists haven't quite discovered or got their hands on. I mean I would flip if i knew those aliens we talk about are real and their looking at me from another planet, or their huge camouflage ship hovering above my house right now. Im totally jinxing myself.
        Or how about the unknown of tomorrow? Will I die? Am I going to get into college. Am I going to get up in the morning and get to school on time, or will my brothers take too much time eating their breakfast, or will i sleep in, or will i not get good enough act score.... I just want to run away from the unknown. Go to my own tropical island and reenact Cast Away. I could totally survive with my blood stained volleyball and name him Wilson. No his name will be Fredrick.

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